

After BPA COO Tony Butler called several PTO owners and other individuals asking if they were behind British Parachute Association Watch and this blog, we wrote directly to Mr Butler.

We pointed out that BPAW offered any organisation or individual mentioned in our blog an unfettered right of reply. This led to the email correspondence reproduced below. 

From: Roman Kandells <romankandells@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2020 at 19:34
Subject: Blog
To: <tony@britishskydiving.org>

Dear Mr Butler,

Instead of phoning up PTO owners and asking them if they are behind the BPA Watch blog, why not just avail yourself of the right of reply we offer to any individual or group mentioned in the blog?

It is an unfettered right of reply, meaning that we will publish anything you send us without altering it in any way. That way, you can prove your critics wrong and, if you prove us wrong, we will publicly apologise to you.

Ideally, a lot of these points should have been tabled for discussion and clarification at the BPA AGMs but you and your fellow ghost directors reject any motions or discussion points that you find inconvenient, don't you?

You can either use the on-site contact form or write directly to this address.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Roman Kandells
From: Roman Kandells <romankandells@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2020 at 09:17
Subject: Insurance
To: <craig@britishskydiving.org>, <tony@britishskydiving.org>
Cc: Adrian Bond <adrian@britishskydiving.org>, Paul Applegate <apples@britishskydiving.org>, Mark Bayada <mark.bayada@britishskydiving.org>, Mary Barratt <mary@britishskydiving.org>, Jack Davies <jack@britishskydiving.org>, Natasha Higman <tash@britishskydiving.org>, Kate Lindsley <kate@britishskydiving.org>, Sam Lee <sam@britishskydiving.org>, Simon Soper <simon@britishskydiving.org>, Sue Stanhope <sue.stanhope@britishskydiving.org>, James Potts <james@britishskydiving.org>

Dear Messrs Poxon and Butler

A couple of your former directorial colleagues at the BPA have alleged that not only does the firm seem to be overpaying for its insurance –– according to the figures quoted in its annual reports –– but the insurance policy is not  fit for purpose.

They say that this is why the BPA goes to extraordinary lengths to avoid making insurance claims in any case involving injury or death.

It is further alleged that the £800,000 'hole' in BPA accounts, which is attributed to unidentified creditors, is partly due to such out-of-court payouts or, in the words of one former BPA councillor, "payoffs".

As the Chair and COO of BPA Ltd, have either or both of you any comment to make in response to these worrying allegations made by former BPA directors and councillors.

Yours sincerely,

Roman Kandells
From: Tony Butler <tony@britishskydiving.org>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2020 at 10:57
Subject: RE: Blog
To: Roman Kandells <romankandells@gmail.com>

Dear Mark,

We will never respond to communications that profess anonymity and we never will.


Tony Butler

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From: Roman Kandells <romankandells@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2020 at 15:17
Subject: Re: Blog
To: Tony Butler <tony@britishskydiving.org>
Cc: Craig Poxon <craig@britishskydiving.org>

Dear Mr Butler,

Point of order: in responding, you have contradicted yourself. So, unless we hear back from you, we shall take your response as a 'No Comment' on behalf of British Parachute Association Ltd –– and its Chairman Craig Poxon –– to the questions we put to you both.

As for anonymity, you have quite a track record over the past thirty years of, for example, telling PTO owners, instructors and examiners who displease you that the BPA will cancel or not renew their ratings. You have acted on these threats a number of times and people are understandably scared of exposing themselves to your coercive methods. 

If you had nothing to hide you would simply refute the suggestions made by BPA Watch.


Roman Kandells
From: Sam Lee <sam@britishskydiving.org>
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2020 at 15:35
Subject: Re: Blog
To: Roman Kandells <romankandells@gmail.com>

Hi ‘Roman’

Do you actually have any evidence to back up your many accusations?


From: Roman Kandells <romankandells@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 2020 at 12:10
Subject: Re: Blog
To: Sam Lee <sam@britishskydiving.org>
Cc: Tony Butler <tony@britishskydiving.org>, Craig Poxon <craig@britishskydiving.org>, Adrian Bond <adrian@britishskydiving.org>, Paul Applegate <apples@britishskydiving.org>, Mary Barratt <mary@britishskydiving.org>, Mark Bayada <mark.bayada@britishskydiving.org>, Jack Davies <jack@britishskydiving.org>, Natasha Higman <tash@britishskydiving.org>, James Potts <james@britishskydiving.org>, Kate Lindsley <kate@britishskydiving.org>, Simon Soper <simon@britishskydiving.org>, Sue Stanhope <sue.stanhope@britishskydiving.org>

Dear Sam Lee,

Yes. But if BPA Ltd wishes to refute anything BPA Watch has published, with supporting contradictory proof, we offer an unfettered right of reply to any individual or organisation mentioned in the blog. As stated clearly on the blog. 

By the way, who is the 'Mark' to whom Mr Butler refers in his email to us yesterday? Whoever he is, he seems to be another unhappy camper to whom BPA Watch should be speaking.


Roman Kandells

As the correspondence thread shows, we wrote to Messrs Poxon and Butler with specific questions about BPA insurance and whether it is fit for purpose. A number of BPA-affiliated PTO owners, instructors and examiners believe that the BPA's insurance policy does not cover them in the event of accidents and say that the BPA has responded to their questions with veiled and not-so-veiled threats of withdrawal of their BPA ratings. 

Mr Butler wrote to BPAW addressing his email to 'Mark'. We also received an email from Sam Lee, who was recently appointed to chair the BPA's Elite Performance Committee. If the 'Mark' to whom Mr Butler referred in his No Comment response to BPA Watch is amongst the recipients in copy or blind copy, BPA Watch would like to hear from him. 

For the time being, however, the BPA directorate and its Chief Operations Officer are making no comment regarding the allegations levelled at the firm and its ghost directors but they are trying to find out who is behind BPA Watch. Surely it would be easier just to provide hard evidence for publication refuting any allegations they claim are untrue. 

Roman Kandells 


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